Newsletter Vol 17 April 2012

In this issue

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2012 Conference Early Bird Deadline Approaches


The count down is on till the Early Bird Deadline for the 2012 ACCES/CMBES Joint Conference and Trade Show. The deadline has been extended to April 30st. This is the premier educational conference for clinical engineers and other healthcare technology management professionals. Don’t forget that registering by April 30 enables you to take advantage of a $50 discount and enters you in a draw for an iPad, kindly sponsored by Philips.

The winner of the early bird prize must be present at the closing ceremonies on June 22 to receive the iPad.

This year, besides the continuing education programs, we have a full track of educational streams devoted to academic, clinical engineering, and medical devices. These will embrace a range of timely issues that can have a direct effect on you and your facility.  We also have a full trade show, with 48 companies showcasing the latest in healthcare technology.

Please take a moment to review the program. Then start planning how to make the best use of your time at the conference.  Complete information about 2012 ACCES/CMBES —including the educational sessions, lodging and flight discounts —is available here on the ACCES website and the conference registration site.

We look forward to seeing you in Halifax!

Infection Control Webinar for Clinical Engineering

Please join us for our latest Free Webinar presented by Frank R. Painter

Sponsored by University of Connecticut & ACCES

This presentation will be a short history and background of infection control in healthcare, the problem that faces healthcare today and what effect it has on the clinical engineering department.  It will also cover what CE staff can do to take precautions in the face of this problem.

Frank has presented webinars for ACCES before and this is sure to be a very good session.

When April 24th, 2012 2:00 PM through 3:00 PM AST (Atlantic Standard Time)  Register Now !

Clinical Engineering Week Materials

The ACCES executive has been working with members to provide support for Clinical Engineering Week activities (May 21-25). Whether your planning cake in the cafeteria at breaks, contests, or lobby displays we hope the tools described in this article are helpful!


We have developed a banner that provides an overview of Clinical/Biomedical Engineerings contribution to Healthcare. The banner is available in English and French,  with the titles Biomedical Engineering or Clinical Engineering. The banner is not Clinical Engineering week specific and can be used at anytime our profession is show cased.  It is intended to be printed on heavy poster paper 79 inches high by 22 inches wide. It is free standing when used in conjunction with the available stand. A package including the stand and banner together can be purchased at the print shops in Staples stores across Atlantic Canada. They are reusable and can be stored in a zippered canvas bag which is included. The total cost (latest staples pricing as of April 2012) for a printed banner and stand is $172.


The sign contains the same information as the banner and can be printed on any commercial copier that is capable of a 11x17 format. It is also intended to provide information on the value of our profession to the healthcare community.

Quiz Sheet

The quiz sheet provides a template of questions that you may modify and use in conjunction with your own giveaways and activities associated with raising awareness of Clinical/Biomedical Engineering. Several departments across our region have already implemented quiz sheets in conjunction with their CE week events.

Click Here to access these FREE materials.

Clinical Engineering Week Contest

ACCES wants a picture of your team,  beside a free standing banner (see Banner above for details),  during CE week for publication on the ACCES website. So send our Director of Publications picture of your team beside a banner (we need their names!) suitable for publication on our website by June 30th. Your teams name will be entered in a random draw for one of six prizes of $200. The $200 prizes will be sent to lucky winners in January of 2013 to help you fund and promote CE week next year! Contest available to departments in Atlantic Canada only. Good luck with the contest!

ACCES Website Job Board

The latest addition to the ACCES website is a full function Job Board. You will see any new job posting scrolling in top left corner just above the Main Menu.

Employers can post jobs to our website, and any public posting can be freely viewed by any member of the public.

In addition, for less then the cost of a Posting in Career Beacon, employers can have their Job Posting Emailed to close to 500 people in the field. ACCES will email a short description of the job plus a link back to the full job posting on our website. 

So if you are approached by someone looking for a skilled Biomed why not send them to the ACCES website. They can click on the Job Board Menu option and get started right away.

The Job Board component has many options we can implement. More information on our JobBoard and pricing plans will be coming soon.

Become A Member

ACCES is, at its core, a growing number of Clinical Engineering professionals who believe in the importance of continuing education, networking with peers, working to achieve a higher standard, developing themselves, and elevating their chosen profession. If these key elements make sense to you then perhaps you should be a member as well.

It is never too late to become a member and their are no late Penalties, it still only cost $25, so why not become a member today.

Sign up on line it takes less then 5 minutes
  (Our newly redesigned website makes it easier then ever.)


Download our ACCES Membership Form
            (All details are included on the form)

Join Us Sign

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ACCES Website

For more information or to contact the executive of our society please visit: